Friday, 21 June 2002

Gardai/IRA collusion

Gardai/IRA collusion

Original post   (by Irish Republican Watch, added Thursday, 20 June 2002 11:07:33 UTC+1)
A report appeared indicating further cases of Gardai collusion with
Republican terrorists has appeared in an article in the Irish Times
dated 10/03/00. It shows out the hypocrisy of nationalist Ireland in
pointing out cases of complicity with terrorism within the RUC but
ignore equivalent cases relating to Gardai collusion with Republicans.
It appears that the Gardai were passing intelligence to the IRA
concerning movements of members of the RUC and members of the
judiciary which led to the deaths of a number of people at the hands
of Republicans. Of course IRA moles within the Gardai have never been
caught or punished for their crimes.
One of these attacks led to the deaths of four RUC officers in May
1985: Tracy Doak, Steven Rodgers, David Baird and William Wilson. Such
a comprimise in border security failed to raise any eyebrows north or
south of the border.
Two years following this, information passed on from this mole led to
the murder of Lord Justice Gibson and his wife Cecily when the car
they were travelling in was bombed crossing the border.
1988 saw the murder of three members of the Hanna family whose car was
bombed in an attempt to kill Judge Eoin Higgins and his wife. Once
again information relating to the movements of the judge had been
passed on from the Gardai.
In 1990 RUC Chief Superintendents Harry Breen and Robert Buchanan were
ambushed and killed following a meeting with Dundalk Garda. In
complying with Irish law they were both unarmed when they met their
deaths thanks to the Garda mole.
The final target was Tom Oliver, a man who had been passing on
information about IRA activities in the Cooley peninsular to the Garda
who was tortured and then murdered. It was noted that no member of the
Fine Fail government was present at his funeral. His death failed to
lead to an internal inquiry. When the RUC traced the identity of the
mole, he was merely moved to another posting until his retirement.
As victims we find such complicity and cover-up disgusting, especially
when members of the current Irish government would criticise the UK
government for alledged RUC collusion and call for public inquiries.
We demand that a public inquiry into this takes place and that any
involved are brought to justice. We have contacted the Taioseach
regarding collusion within both police and government but have not
received adequate an response. We are not saying that all Gardai are
corrupt, however the high number of unsolved murders along the border
requires attention, especially when such details have become apparent.

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